Dear students of gujranwala board punjab examination commission is making the arrangements to declare the gujranwala board 8th class result. Advertisement 5th class result pec 2018 free download pdf gazette pec punjab examination commission has announced result for 5th class examinations here you can view result online and download gazette file in pdf format. Download 8th class pec result gazettes 2018 sedinfo. Bisegrw exam results of all 9th, 11th, 10th, 12th, hssc, ssc, fsc, fa, inter, matric, intermediate, ssc part 1, ssc part 2, inter part 1. The press release about bise gujranwala 10th class result 2018 revealed that the result will announce on saturday, july 21, at 10. Pec punjab board 5th class result online 2020 all district subject wise marks gazette download pec. The exams started in february and now, the board is making changes for the result.
The exams which were conducted in the supervision of pec in february earlier this year the results will soon be revealed to the students of the 5th class gujranwala board. Pec gujranwala board 5th, 8th class date sheet 2018. While it announced 5th class results on 31st march, 2018. Board of intermediate and secondary education, gujranwala. I think that there is no need to introduce to you what is the punjab examination commission because if you are in the 5th or 8th class then you have something in your mind about the. We will let you know the exact date as soon as possible.
Punjab examination commission pec gujranwala board 5th, 8th class date sheet 2018 download online in two format that is pdf and doc word format from pakijobs. There is a pec result 2018 2019 online 5th class result 2018 school education on this page. How to download bise gujranwala results gazettes 2018. View 8th class result 2016 gujranwala board online. Download pec 8th class result 2020 full gazette bise. Since the inauguration of pec it is organizing exams for the regular and private students. Examination commission would declare 8th class result 2018 within the ending dates of march hopefully on 31st march 2018. Pec, punjab examination commission is accountable for all punjab elementary and 8 result as well as examinations. The result is available online via official website of pec as well as sending an sms to the short code 800222. You may download online pdf punjab bise result matric gazette 2018 on this. Matric gazette 2018 download online pdf punjab bise matric result. Bise gujranwala 8th class result 2020 pec board for annual and supply exam final result can be viewed here online soon after release date time. Pec 5th and 8th class results 2018 results faisalabad. We save every years exam result gazettes of gujranwala board.
Attock, bahawalnagar, bhakkar, chakwal, chiniot, dg khan, faisalabad, gujranwala, gujarat, hafizabad, jhang, jhelum, kasur, khanewal. Pec maintains the examinations of primary and middle class within the month of february each year whereas it declare the date sheet one month earlier than. Pec gujranwala punjab education commission result pec. Free 2018 gazette is available for 8th grade students. A press release related to bise gujranwala 10th class result 2018 is available now. Gujranwala board 8th class result 2020 pec school wise.
How to download complete gazette from gujranwala board offical website. Advertisement check 5th class result 2018 gujranwala board online at result. Pec board exam results of all 5th, 8th classes can be seen online as per board gazette, which is taken from website. While pec is going to announce 8th class results on 31st march, 2018. Pec tuesday, 31 st march 2020 punjab examination commission bise lahore board 5 th 8 th class result 2020 is announcing the on today at the official website at. How to check bise gujranwala 11th class result by sms. View 8th class result 2017 gujranwala board online. Bise lahore board matric 9th 10th class roll no slips 2018. Grw matric result 2016 online free download 09 th class result 2016 gujranwala board of intermediate and secondary education bise gujranwala ssc part 1 result 2016 is available now. The 9th class result will be announced in july 2019. Gujranwala board 8th class result 2020 this is one of the most disturbing questions in the mind of every student who appears in the 8th class annual examination under the supervision of the punjab examination commission pec that how to check gujranwala board 8th class result 2020 and from where we can check it. All the students of grade 8 will be able to check their marks on pec result website.
As per reports it is expected that this year the 8th class result of gujranwala board will be declared on 31st march. Free gazette is available for 8th grade results 2014. The punjab examination commission pec is the commanding body to conduct the 5th and 8th classes annual examination and this year, pec organized the exams of. Pec stands for punjab examination commission is an autonomous body to prepare tests and exams in all districts of punjab.
How to download complete gazette from gujranwala board. If you are the student of this grade class, that is if you have appeared in this annual examination of 8th class, then here you can be easily checking this result on the mentioned and given official date. Download 5th class pec result gazettes 2018 as always, punjab education commission pec conducted 5th annual exam in the month of february 2018. View 8th class result 2018 gujranwala board online.
Bise gujranwala board students can see 1st year, hssc, inter, 11th class, intermediate, fsc, fa result 2020 online. Pec 8th class result 2019 online gazette download pdf all. Students will be able to check their 9th class result online on our website. On next page a download button will display after 15 seconds count down. Now every year thousands of students are getting registration with punjab examination commission pec for 5th and 8th class annual exams. Board of intermediate and secondary education bise gujranwala matric result cd will also available on selective habib bank limited. It provides services at matric and intermediate level. Those students would be curious about the result going declared by the board administration on the given date. Gujranwala board has responsibility to organize the 5th and 8th class exams for the districts affiliated with it and these are gujarat, mandibahaudin, sialkot, narowal, hafiz abad districts.
Matric result 2018 gujranwala board gazette press release. Free 2017 gazette is available for 8th grade students. Its hereby to inform you that pec 5th 8th class result is going to announce with an immediate effect. Lahore board pec 5th class pec 8th class result 2018 pec. Surprise for the students the punjab examination commission is going to announced pec 8th class result 2020 on dated tuesday, 31st march, 2020 online the official website at. Boys and girls student of primary grade 5, 5th classes can check their exam result gazette 2018 online or download 5th class result 2018. Bise gujranwala 9th class result 2018 gazette download mims. Pec result 2019 8th class free download pdf gazette jhang tv. Pec result gazette 2018 online download for 5th and 8th class. Grade five result gujranwala board gazette download. Bise gujranwala board 8th class result 2019 will be declared by pec officials and all the enrolled candidates can get their result directly from this page at. Punjab government established an examining and supervisory body in punjab province in 2005 for conduction of elementary and middle exams. Students who want to appear in 5 th class board exams are intimated that your exams will be carried out by the punjab examination commission pec. Enter grade 5 or grade 8 roll no search pec result 2019 8th.
Enter grade 5 or grade 8 roll no search 5th class result pec. This is just a board that handles all issues with respect to grade 5 and grade 8 results and date sheets. Pec 5th class result 2019 online gazette download pdf all. Pec gujranwala result 2020 online punjab education. These are lahore board, sargodha board, gujranwala board, rawalpindi. If you are looking for pec gazette 2018 for 5th class or pec gazette 2018 for 8th class, then you are at the right place. Many of the students of all punjab boards are very curiously waiting for their results, whose students can get. You can access bise gujranwala 11th class results 2020 by entering roll number or name in online result gazette here. Gazettes download pec 8th and 5th class learn islam. View 8th class result 2014 gujranwala board online. Matric result 2020 matric results 2020 updates check now. Bise grw 8th class result is always very good due to the quality education that is offered in the region of the gujranwala, if you are also belonging to the gujranwala or any sub division of this great city and want to check your bsie grw 8 class result then you can always find it on our website. All students who appeared in board exam of 5th and 8th class can download their result by reaching on the following link respectively.
Pec is the selfgoverning body since 2005 and every year organizing the exams at primary and middle level. The students want to know their results as soon as possible so our website will update the bise gujranwala board 5 class result 2020 as soon it is announced by the pec. Bise, gujranwala is a wing of educational department. Lahore board pec 5th class pec 8th class result 2018 pec the candidates appear in the examination are in the huge amount because the commission conducted the examination in one time all across the punjab and all the candidates of the fifth class appear in this examination from over all the punjab. Wazifa for getting success in 10th 11th class result 2018. Every year these exams are held in the month of february and march and date sheet is announced one month before the commencement of.
Pec has provided students with different facilities to check their results. Download pec 8th class result 2020 full gazette biseworld. As the system is based online so students can check their results by entering their roll no. Download 8th class pec result gazettes 2018 all punjab districts as always, punjab education commission pec conducted 8th annual exam in the month of february 2018. Result awaiting students of all punjab boards get themselves prepared. Weve an official copy of gujranwala inter part 2 gazette 2018, which you can download here for free. Pec gujranwala result 2020 pec is board authority for class 5 and class 8 examinations and results in punjab. Pec 5th class result 2019 online gazette download pdf all punjab. Pec result 2018 2019 online 5th class result 2018 school. Generally annual exams of grade five primary level for gujranwala board were conducted in the ending days of january or starting days of february by the pec every year so after that in the ending dates of march pec is declared the final exams result of. Punjab examination commission pec gujranwala board 5th class date sheet 2019 download online in image format. Online rechecking hssc 11th,12th admission hssc partii annual 2020.
Bise gujranwala matric result 2018 gazette download mims. Punjab education commission students can see 8th class, grade 8, class 8, eight class result 2020 online. Advertisement pec result 2019 8th class free download pdf gazette pec punjab examination commission has announced result for 8th class examinations here you can view result online and download gazette file in pdf format. Gujranwala board 8th class result 2020 pec school wise, roll no, gazette shall be available to the general public means students who recently participated in exams.
Boys and girls student of primary grade 5, 5th classes can check their exam result gazette 2018 online or download 5th class result 2018 gujranwala board fde, pec, sec, kpked, bed, ajkec. Pec gujranwala board 5th class date sheet 2019 download. Pec punjab board 5th, 8th class result by roll number 2020. How to check 8th class result of all boards and download.
The ssc roll number slip of 9th and 10th class is early declared in this webpage the whole candidates of nine and ten classes is waiting for their upcoming. Gazette 2018 online or download 8th class result 2018 gujranwala board fde, pec, sec. Pec punjab board 5th class result online 2020 all district. Download gazette for 5th class 2019 for nankana sahib district. So that teachers, students or parents can get benefits from result gazettes. Pec 8th class result 2019 online gazette download pdf all punjab 5th class result 2019 8th class result 2019 according to the punjab education commission 31st march 2019 is the final date and no further changes are to be made in this date. Download multan board 10th class gazette 2018 here on this page you can download multan board 12th class gazette 2018 for all classes. Pec starts preparation of the pec 8th class result 2018 gujranwala soon after finishing of.
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